Shake & Pay® coverage is unique
It was designed to protect your assets, company, family and your home when the unexpected happens.
Coverage that includes:
- Full Property Damage
- Earthquake Sprinkler Leakage
- Hardscapes and Landscapes
- Direct/Indirect Financial Losses
- Business Interruption (BI) / Contingent BI
- Engineering and Safety Certification Costs
- Loss of Revenue or Profit
- Extra and Extraordinary Expenses
- Equity Protection
All with zero deductible and a rapid, straightforward and transparent claims process.
What determines my coverage?
Step 1
The Earth shakes.
A 6.0 or greater magnitude earthquake strikes the California region.
Step 2
The independent data experts certify the USGS ShakeMap.
• The USGS* publishes a ShakeMap.
• The maximum PGA (Peak Ground Acceleration) is calculated off the USGS ShakeMap.
*Created by an act of Congress in 1879, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) monitors, assesses and conducts targeted research to provide independent scientific reporting about natural hazards.
Step 3
Submit your claim
(Economic loss or physical damage or both!)
Step 4
Shake and Pay® provides the amount of coverage available to pay your claims based on the highest PGA recorded in the entire county/region.
We cover all of California and parts of the western U.S.!
Provide your email and get updated when we cover your area.